Monday, April 11, 2011

References for phase field method

This post is only accumulating the book/book chapter or review papers. The one which has been read by mine will be added a comment.

1. Boettinger, W.J., et al., Phase-field simulation of solidification. Annual Review of Materials Research, 2002. 32: p. 163-194.
2. Chen, L.Q., Phase-field models for microstructure evolution. Annual Review of Materials Research, 2002. 32: p. 113-140.
3. Nestler, B., Diffuse interface model for microstructure evolution. Advances in Solid State Physics 42, 2002. 42: p. 207-218
4. Granasy, L., T. Pusztai, and J.A. Warren, Modelling polycrystalline solidification using phase field theory. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 2004. 16(41): p. R1205-R1235.
5. Hecht, U., et al., Multiphase solidification in multicomponent alloys. Materials Science & Engineering R-Reports, 2004. 46(1-2): p. 1-49.
6. Lewis, D., et al., Phase-field models for eutectic solidification. Jom, 2004. 56(4): p. 34-39.
7. Emmerich, H., Advances of and by phase-field modelling in condensed-matter physics. Advances in Physics, 2008. 57(1): p. 1-87.
8. Moelans, N., B. Blanpain, and P. Wollants, An introduction to phase-field modeling of microstructure evolution. Calphad-Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 2008. 32(2): p. 268-294.
9. Singer-Loginova, I. and H.M. Singer, The phase field technique for modeling multiphase materials. Reports on Progress in Physics, 2008. 71(10): p. -.

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