Thursday, May 5, 2011

Why the Allen-Cahn equation can not be used to characterize the time evolution of a conserved order parameter?

Why not to use Allen-Cahn equation plus a Lagrange multiplier term (to the free energy to apply the conservation) to characterize the time evolution of a conserved order parameter?

There is an answer at Page 38, last paragraph of the book "Phase-field methods in materials science and engineering"

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Timetable for “Phase-field methods in materials science and engineering”

Timetable for the study of the book “Phase-field methods in materials science and engineering”
Progress will be recorded in this post. I hope I could finish the whole book in two months, that is, before 01 July. Then I will have enough time to try to parallel my own code following the example of the book. The dead line for the whole studying and code parallelization is before 01 September.

Chapter 1 Introduction
finished at 29/04/11

Chapter 2 Mean field theory of phase transformations
begin at 04/05/11
finished at 06/05/11
This chapter introduces the lattice model and Landau order parameter theory. The later one discussed the form of the free energy for several simple systems, and how to determine the coefficients.

Chapter 3 Spatial variations and interfaces
begin at 06/05/11
finished at 06/05/11
This chapter derived the Cahn-Hilliard free energy functional form at first. The surface tension is further derived at second part.

Chapter 4 Noequilibrium dynamics
begin at 06/05/11
finished at 09/05/11
This chapter introduced the Cahn-Hilliard and Allen-Cahn equations and how to numerically implement them into fortran codes. Structure factor is discussed at Page 41.

Chapter 5 Introduction to phase field modeling: Solidification of pure materials
Chapter 6 Phase field modeling of solidification in binary alloys
Just quick through these two chapters and the accompany codes at 09/05/11
Need more time to gasp the physics behind the codes
Chapter 5 has been understood mostly at 09/05/11